icebergs (week 2)

Ambient 1: Album Cover

(colors used in the project were inspired by the cover of Brian Eno's ambient 1)

From the get go,  I knew I wanted to incorporate a poem generation element to this iceberg project. As the iceberg charts its path, I want it to both leave behind a trail (faint/dotted line) as well as to semi randomly leave behind markers of where the iceberg once was, the text element would be tied to those markers.

In a moment of inspiration I began work on an array of poem chunks and quickly coded a sample poem generator just to see how  the randomness of the poem chunks would effect the poem that was created as a whole and I was relatively happy with how that turned out. 

Next I coded a working version of the iceberg code itself(just for movement and mapping).

To achieve both the poem generation as well as the visual history of movement I want,  I will use frame rate counting and if (frameCount % x) to have text, path and icebergs drawn on the screen periodically. I quickly realized that the best (or what I think is best) way to handle these visual elements is with a new graphics layer for both the iceberg/path and the text. This made it easier to have elements that "print" once to the canvas as opposed to continuously generating with the animated elements, it also made it possible for the text to always be drawn on top of the path even when the berg crosses over previously written text. 

At this point heres where the sketch has ended up. There are definitely some more things I'd like to add such as:

  • adding a function for setting the iceberg's initial point at the point of the user's mouse click
  •  after the iceberg's path is charted a new one should be made with a new mouse-click
  • music


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(1 edit)

P, this is incredibly cool! I love the idea to incorporate poetry in this. It’s brilliant. Here’s my recent run.

an iceberg poem

This is cool as-is, but one thing that did come to mind was the idea potentially to have text fade after a certain amount of time.

Really nice work.

I think you’d like the work in the HTML Review. And maybe we can brainstorm some ideas for the next issue of Random Walk.